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Tech frontiers for policy makers – watch the event recap!

In December 2024, we hosted our first flagship event, bringing together 130 policymakers, experts, and thought leaders in Brussels to explore what is needed to govern emerging technologies effectively.

The day featured high-profile speakers from leading institutions, who shared insights on what more can be done to support effective, long-term decision-making in the face of rapid technological change.

Workshops led by our program leads provided an in-depth look at the challenges and opportunities across key areas like AI, biotechnology, and neuroscience, sparking vibrant discussions among attendees.

Participants were able to experience some of these technologies first hand, such as a consumer-grade device that can measure the wearer’s mental focus.

For a topical deep dive, check out our event coverage on X and BlueSky.

We look forward to seeing you at our events in 2025!