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Virginia Mahieu

Neurotechnology Director


Virginia explores how neurotechnologies impact society, combining neuroscience and foresight to ensure that governance frameworks are up to scratch so these emerging technologies contribute to a brain-healthy future.

Virginia holds a PhD in sensory neuroscience from the University of Sussex and a Postgraduate Certificate in EU Policymaking from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

She previously worked at the Policy Foresight Unit and the Scientific Foresight Unit of the European Parliamentary Research Service, where she specialised in futures literacy, behavioural insights, and scenario planning at the science-policy interface.

Aside from neuroscience, her research and writing span topics such as responsible innovation, biotechnology, precision medicine, mental health, health policy and geopolitics. Virginia’s lifelong passion lies in understanding how technology shapes the human mind, society, and evolution – and vice versa.